Dumortiera | Français | Nederlands
The botanical journal DUMORTIERA publishes articles in English, Dutch or French on the flora and vegetation of Belgium and adjacent areas: vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, algae and fungi. Themes that can be discussed include the changes in the indigenous and non-indigenous flora, revisions of ‘difficult’ or overlooked groups, keys as additions to Flora van België / Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique, results of field surveys, short communications, etc. Each manuscript is refereed before publication.
Editorial board: Ivan Hoste (editor), Q. Groom, L. Vanhecke, W. Van Landuyt and F. Van Rossum.
For more information and submission of manuscripts: [email protected]
Free subscription! DUMORTIERA is published in digital form only.Use the form below to subscribe. DUMORTIERA is published by Botanic Garden Meise and the Royal Botanical Society of Belgium. Contact [email protected] for information about or to order back issues in printed form (Dumortiera 1100, 19752012). Numerous articles on non-indigenous plant species can be consulted in the bibliography of the website of the Manual of the alien plants of Belgium: http://alienplantsbelgium.be. Contents Dumortiera 1100 (19752012) (pdf) Authors are expected to strictly follow the guidelines for authors [pdf] In the future, the complete contents of Dumortiera 1100 will be available on the internet. |