Botanic Garden Meise

 Something is growing in Meise!

Plant Palace | Nederlands | Français

New : Panoramic visit of the Plant Palace (Click on the picture)

Our collections of tender plantes are housed in the Plant palace. You will find 13 interconnecting glasshouses. Eleven of which simulate the climate of a different region of the world. The remaining two, the Evolution house and Mabundu have a thematic approach.

The Spring House representing plants from the subtropical rainforests houses rhododendrons and camellias that begin blooming when winter outside still bites.

The Evolution House takes you on a journey through 500 millions years of plant evolution. Begin your route when plants first colonised land and continue through the Jurassic period to today's varied flora.

The five glasshouses of the north side of the Plant Palace contain plants from the world's richest ecosystem, the tropical rainforest. This area is currently undergoing renovations. The House containing the Montane Rainforest comprises many plants adapted to the foggy clouds high up in tropical mountains including fuchsias and orchids. Take a stroll tthrough the Mediterranean and compare the similarities in vegetation between Chile, California, Western Australia, South Africa and the Mediterranean Basin, you will be sure to find some botanical germs.

Mabundu, a word from the kikongo language meaning edible ripe fruit, celebrates tropical economic plants and demonstrates their influence on our daily lives. Here you'll finc cacao tree, coconut palms, cotton and bananas.

The Victoria House is the most humid of all our houses. Here in summer you will discover the world's biggest water lilies along with marshloving plants, carnivorous plants and papyrus.

Our Dry House is filled with those champions of droudht, cacti and succulent plants.

In the Monsoon House plants follow the rhythm of the wet and dry seasons.

> Under certain conditions receptions and events can be organised in the Plant Palace (and in the Castle). Contact Anja van Ossel ++32 (0)2 260 09 71 for conditions.

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