during ten years (1982-1992), nobody was in charge of the information infrastructure
(work done during 'some spare time' cut off the research duty).
the year 1988 was introduced a network, a UNIX mini computer, a NOVELL
server, more and more PCs.
for years later (1992), a researcher (A.Empain) was detached to the full
time duty of network and system management.
we are facing now (1999) a real crisis.
A survey of similar institutions (public and private) shows that a
team of 3 full-time specialists are needed to handle safely our
information infrastructure. But we cannot afford to hire somebody else.
It implies that some trade-offs are needed to insure the integrity of
the infrastructure :
the priority is given to the collective aspects
so, the individual requests are more and more difficult to be quickly satisfied
(THE bad news)