To handle the difficulty to manage a pool of PCs, it is more and more important to avoid 'artisanal' procedures and to develop some generalized methods for installation, rescuing and housekeeping.
The last year was full of hypes about Network Computers and similar approaches : they try to work around the fact that PCs are 'Unsafe At Any Megahertz : today PCs are the most crash-prone computers ever built' [Crash-Proof Computing, Tom R. Halfhill, BYTE April'98, pp 60-74 - cover story and other]
The 'remoteboot.HOWTO' provided with recent releases of Linux gave us a good way to attack the problem without being linked to any OS (mix of MS DOS /Windows311 /Windows95 /WindowsNT /Linux)
It allows us to use conventional PCs, even disregarded 486 ones, when enjoying the advantages of the NC approach [see 'Disposable PCs, Tom R. Halfhill, BYTE Feb'98, pp 62-74 for a general overview about the 'Users Revolt'].
INCOM publish a very good discussion about this crisis and present their approach as a compromise between a total shift towards NC paradigm and a revisited classical PC paradigm.
At the Genève University, the installation of the student PCs is refreshed at each reboot (allowing to reconfigure 'on-the-fly' a PC), using a cache at the end of the hard disk to limit the network load. Their feature-rich software (MrZip/MrBatch Pre-Boot Batch Processor for MS-DOS and Linux) fills in all my expectations, allowing to handle many situations by end-user menus (starting from an interpreted scripting language, to a full Dual-Boot system configuration [automated partitionning/formatting plus Win95 AND Linux install and configuration : 18 min].
Here, the followed path is an hybride one between diskless machines
(NC...) and classical PCs : the dynamic configuration is used only during
the installation/rescue step; later on, the local hard disk is used
So, the network or the bootp/tftp server is not required after this configuration step (robustness). |
On the server side :
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.tftpd bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/tcpd bootpd -d 4
# GLOBAL--(included by the tag 'tc=.ether' into the PCs definitions)----------- .ether:hn:\ sm=\\ ds=\ gw=\ vm=rfc1048:\ ht=ether:\ hd=/tftpboot:\ bf=bpbatch:T155="index": # ------------- PCs ---------- PC_96:tc=.ether:ha=00104B496599:ip=\ T156="Alain Empain":T157="alain"
PC_97:tc=.ether:ha=00104B4965ed:ip=\ T156="Alain Drèze":T157="alaind" ....
On each client :
To install a new machine (of a known configuration family - disk size, PCI...)
Dual-boot PC's
To allow a Windows-95 / Linux-X Window dual boot ability, the disk is divided into
Remark: * the partition 1 (Win95 system) must be PRIMARY * the partition 2 (Linux system) must be PRIMARY * the data partition (D:) must be LOGICAL (PRIMARY is fine for Linux; it seems good as well for Win95, until you reboot : Win95 detects FAT errors and starts scandisk).I use a DEBIAN startup disk to partition for the first time the disk, with this typical layout (total space is 1.7 GB)
/dev/hda1 Boot Primary Dos Fat16 500.07 /dev/hda2 Primary Linux 299.25 (asked : 300) /dev/hda4 Extended /dev/hda5 Logical Dos Fat16 620,16 (asked : 620) /dev/hda6 Logical Linux swap 19.69 (asked : 20)A large buffer is left at the end of the hard disk (for tftp system recovery) It would be possible to reclaim this normally unused buffer, declaring it as a PRIMARY partition (/dev/hda3) with the bpbatch command 'setpartitions'.
Remote file system
To do some housekeeping (DATA partition backup and configuration backups, new packages...)
To rescue a machine (reinstall a fresh copy of the wanted OS, e.g. a bugged Win95 installation)
To install a new OS version
To build an compressed image XX.imz of a package, install the package on a TEMPLATE PC, then, using 'mrzip' of Genève University, pack it and place the resulting compressed image on the tftp server (in /tftpboot/XX/XX.imz). An install and setup procedure must be added (see below).
(run on the TEMPLATE PC, under the target OS : LINUX: mrzip or DOS/WIN: mrzip.exe)
set fragmentsize="30 Mb" filter -"var/log/*" filter -"tmp/*" Source Path "{:2}/" (the LINUX system partition) Dest archive "/c/suse51.img" (the mounted DOS c: disk) CopyArchive echo "Done..."
showlog echo "Resetting the cache" clean -1 fullunzip "suse51/linux.imz" 2 (2 is the Linux system partition) include "suse51/setup"
(rem win95/xxx files are on the server at /tftpboot/win95 ; {:1}/ is the local default disk, partition 1, aka c:\ )
echo "...Setup: creating c:\\bin\\registry.reg" echo " You must activate it with the command c:\\bin\\adjust under Win95" patch "win95/registry.ref" "{:1}/bin/registry.reg" copy "win95/adjust.bat" "{:1}/bin/adjust.bat" echo "...Patching nestcape.ini" patch "win95/netscape.ref" "{:1}/win_ut/netscape/netscape.ini" echo "...Patching eudora.ini" patch "win95/eudora.ref" "{:1}/win_ut/eudora/eudora.ini" echo "...Creating D: paths for Eudora and Netscape; D: is on the DATA partition #3 of the default disk" mkdir "{:3}/tmp" mkdir "{:3}/win_data/netscape/cache" mkdir "{:3}/win_data/netscape/news" mkdir "{:3}/win_data/netscape/mail" mkdir "{:3}/attach"
(to be patched with the current parameters, such as current IP number -- BOOTP-157 and BOOTP-156 are user-defined)
[Configurations] POPAccount=${BOOTP-Option-157}@${BOOTP-Domain-Name} RealName="${BOOTP-Option-156}" SMTPServer=${BOOTP-SMTP-Servers} PrinterFont=ç-N CheckForMailEvery=15 ScreenFont=MS Sans Serif AutoReceiveAttachments=8 AutoReceiveAttachmentsDirectory=d:\ATTACH ...
win95/registry.ref : REGEDIT4
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\NetTrans\0003] "DriverDesc"="TCP/IP" "IPAddress"="${BOOTP-Your-IP}" "IPMask"="${BOOTP-Subnet-Mask}" "DeviceVxDs"="vtdi.386,vip.386,vtcp.386,vdhcp.386,vnbt.386" "InstallVnbt"="0" "InfPath"="NETTRANS.INF" "DriverDate"=" 8-24-1996" "DevLoader"="*ndis" "DefaultGateway"="${BOOTP-Routers}"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VNETSUP] "ComputerName"="${BOOTP-Host-Name}" "Workgroup"="WORKGROUP" "Comment"="P166MMX" "StaticVxD"="vnetsup.vxd" "Start"=hex:00 "NetClean"=hex:01
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP] "LMHostFile"="C:\\WINDOWS\\lmhosts" "EnableDNS"="1" "HostName"="${BOOTP-Host-Name}" "Domain"="${BOOTP-Domain-Name}" "SearchList"="" "NameServer"="${BOOTP-Domain-name-Servers}" "NodeType"="1"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\control\ComputerName\ComputerName] "ComputerName"="${BOOTP-Host-Name}"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo "This is the 'adjust.bat' program needed to actually patch" echo " the binary registries of Win95; type 'adjust'" echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo "...ADJUSTING the registry" regedit c:/bin/registry.ref echo "...Creating D: paths for Eudora and Netscape" mkdir "D:/tmp" mkdir "D:/win_data" mkdir "D:/win_data/netscape" mkdir "D:/win_data/netscape/cache" mkdir "D:/win_data/netscape/news" mkdir "D:/win_data/netscape/mail" mkdir "D:/attach" echo "...Creating D: path for WP" mkdir "D:/wpd" echo "...Creating Netscape bookmark if it does not exist" c:\bin\touch d:/win_data/netscape/bookmark.htm